Empire State ERA Rep-Distributor Forum
Thursday, March 13, 2025
del Lago Resort & Casino

About Empire ERA
The Electronics Representatives Association is an international trade organization comprised of qualified, professional manufacturers’ representative firms. We work to promote, protect and enhance the multiple-line rep function and our members’ unique system of synergistic selling. ERA acts as the worldwide conduit across the electronics industry for manufacturers seeking professional field sales firms to sell their products. ERA also serves as a resource for electronics and high-technology industries.
The Empire Chapter of the Electronics Representatives Association is dedicated to promoting and protecting the representative function within the Upstate, NY electronics marketplace. The Chapter is a resource for its members. It provides support for establishing and maintaining the representative function through continuing education, Networking events and promoting the Rep function.
Upcoming Events
Empire State ERA Rep-Distributor Forum
Thursday, March 13, 2025
del Lago Resort & Casino